
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:27:00
时间飞逝,想不到12月10号就是我离开的日子.我很舍不得...如果有对你好的人的话.尽量敞开心扉吧. 等待是很痛苦的.我不想看到你难过..所以把之前所说的那些话都抛开吧.没有人能做到那样的...我想我不能再拥有你了.我现在很折磨.与其天天聊,不如不和你做任何交流..不要怪我!希望你开心过每一天.

Time goes by,I couldn't explect it was on December 10th that I left.I really don't want to do so.Please accept him if someone loves you.It's
painful to wait.I dislike to see you are sad.So forget what I have said before.No one could do like that....I don't think I can have you any more.I am suffered now.I prefer communicating nothing rather than
chatting every day.Don't blame me.Happy every day!

Time flies, I can't believe it that December 10th is the day I leave, I really do not want to go. Open your heart if there is someone who treats you well. It is a very painful thing to wait and I do not want to see you suffer. No one is able to do that. I don't think that I can have you. I am suffering everyday now. Not communicating is beter than talking everyday. Please do not blame me, I wish you happy everyday.

I’m sorry. I’ll be leaving on December 10th, although I wish I could stay here forever. Promise me that if you find someone wh